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Saturday, February 19, 2011

February 2011

Update on JN.. Creative photo

JN is taking advantage of art events and inspiring others everyday. Check out http://pancakesandbooze.com/
JN will be out and about at this show in Los Angeles march 4th and 5th. He will also be joining up with Vulgar Villains in a few events coming up.

JN has been teaching 2 of his art projects to middle school students. One of the projects is The JN creative technique on canvas where kids have the opportunity to be creative and the other project is painting on baseball caps.

He was in San Fransisco last month where he met a few people in the arts and now will be collaborating with a new artist in the bay area. Check out -- goop.lifeyo.com and you can see the artist JN will be collaborating with on a current creative project. JN has been working on building relationships with other artists and inspiring others. Some of his recent encounters have been with a few bands and artists that have inspired JN with his art. Check out

Creative Artist -- Nolan Smith

Samson chasing truth

Softsilence Facebook

More news on JN ARTWORX and other friends soon......

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