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Monday, May 30, 2011

JN ARTWORX.........ArT

Hollywood Playhouse

Here is my art on display at The Hollywood Playhouse.  This was a great event for some exposure in LA.  I met a great group of artists and the evening was memorable.  I have been taking the steps to submitting my art in different shows in California.  I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to show my art to many people.  

I want to thank Kaila Yu for coordinating the show and to LookBookLA for exposure.  The event had many artists including dancing,
make up, mixed media, 2 fashion shows,
music with dj's and soft rock, and a diverse
variety of paintings and drawings.  Each
art show I attend moves me to produce
more of an effort to create and paint.

JN ARTWORX display
My observation of people looking at my art was
Jon Nelson
interesting and moving.  I felt like people were 
Jon & Manny
connecting to it in different ways.  Listening to
their comments of describing colors and images
was inspiring.  As I look back now, I know that my art has a connection with people.  Each person had their own feeling of how the colors and objects connected within them.  I had a lot of positive feedback that my art is loud, bright, energetic, inspirational, and moving.  As an artist  I feel that is important to hear.

I also want to thank the friends that came out to the show and showed their support, I truly am thankful to have such supportive friends.  I am currently working on my art to keep inspiring people .  Art is a big part of my life and communicating with others.  Art is a connection to all of us and I am excited to work on a few new projects that are exciting and inspirational to others around me.  Thank you for taking the time to read this and supporting my art.  JN

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