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Saturday, January 1, 2011


A look back on last few years of JN ARTWORX.....

Part owner of Laurel Art Gallery, where I learned so many interesting details about running a gallery. I had the opportunities to place my art in local businesses and a few other cities including Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Santa Paula, Westlake, Camarillo, Minneapolis, Miami Beach, and San Francisco. My style of art taught me to enjoy life in a playful way. Art opened a door of teaching middle school kids about my style of art. Seriously? Its amazing to see kids take my style and create their won piece of art that will change their lives. I collaborated artwork and created a design to make clothing. From that experience of collaboration, I now have a business relationship with an up and coming clothing apparel know as Vulgar Villains.

JN ARTWORX has taken a new adventure of hand painting on woman's fashionable hats.
I have networked into 6 locations. Moving forward in Northern Ca through the East Coast this year. The locations are professional and inspiring people that want to be productive. They work hard to be able to do what they love. We have helped out one another with our procducts and word of mouth advertising. Building relationship and connecting others is what I do. Never forget the people along the way that helped you move forward. Chi Chi Angels, Bludress Boutique, Salzers Music, Studio Lash, Twyla K Boutique, and Beau Alexis. After reading this blog please refer these stores to your friends and family its a nice gesture to support OTHERS to provide opportunity.

I will continue to create artwork on canvas, hats, clothing and always work hard and inspire one another to move forward.

I would recommend to you all out there to do what you enjoy even if it's just a few minutes of you day. Don't look at what you don't have, look at what you really want and go for it. Figure out what you need to do and move forward. If you are out there and you want to try art, stop wasting your time. Trying art out might inspire you to be better at something else. Art has taught me to be more confident, positive, and open minded.

This afternoon I was at a family function. A close friend of my mother was telling me that when I was a little kid my mom had asked me a question something about what I wanted, I said to my mom i wanted the moon. My mother said to me, Jon you can't have the moon it has to stay up in the sky. So what does this have to do with anything? Well it has everything to do with the way I speak to people when they say how dedicated I am do my art. I always say the sky is the limit which means as long as you have the drive you can take it as far as you can......

This photo of New York is a historical landmark. Obviously its not real but my goal is to have my artwork in the same exact spot it is in this photograph. The only way its going to get there is by what I do everyday with my art.

JN ARTWORX, SKOVA SOUL, QUAN, VULGAR VILLAINS, Inspiring others to move forward and enjoy life! These 4 companies are close to me and each one of them provides an opportunity to move forword. Take a little time and snoop around you never know something might spark in your life..... Never know unless you take action and have fun!


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