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Sunday, March 18, 2012

JN ARTWORX update...

      In the last 2 months I have learned more about art and the process of projects.  By painting a mural with just the concept and  creating as you go wasn't as easy as it may look.  I was able to have learned a lot in a short amount of time working  with my ART mentor Tracy Lee Stum. She is known to a lot of people as an impressive street painter.  Tracy is not just a street painter. She is much more and then some a real inspiration and creator and I have been blessed to have the opportunities to work and learn from her.  She taught me the process of what actually goes into a project, I only know so much but it was a good start for some of my latest projects.   

       I have been painting larger canvases from having others say they want to see my art on a larger scale.  Its been a blast or words I can't even describe.  I am happiest in the moment of music and painting.  New York this week for the International Art Expo.  Tracy Lee said I should check this out,  I will be on the way in a few days.  I have some new clothing coming out soon Sweatshirts with my artwork.  Some new projects this spring with a few designers collaborating together for some stylish products.  

      Looking forward to coming back to teaching some more art to the kids at CAPE Charter School in Camarillo after my trip.  I really enjoy working with kids! 
The Shining Light Foundation.....

       I have recently been sharing my love of art with John M. White he is a dedicated and driven artist.  He recently had a book published about his journey in all aspects of art.  He has helped me look at my art and art in general in a different way.  He is the person who said paint bigger!!!!! People will view and feel more connected because of your mixture of colors and the layers.  I listened and people connected with my art.  I have had more of a response in the last 2 months than ever before...Thank you John White.....

Pick up his book "Acme John Sequence"
Its truly great.